Frequently Asked Questions

  • How would I download files?

You need to click on any download link. After that you’ll find a window to Zippyshare. Our files are mainly hosted on Zippyshare,Mediafire,and more so there won’t any problem downloading from there.

  • The .rar archive asks for password when extracting. What to do?

We never encrypt the archive with password. May be you are dreaming or you have a shitty computer or internet. Please don’t use computer and ask an expert for help. Use only WINRAR.

  • Can I use Internet Download Manager or other file downloader to download files from this site?

You may, but we don’t take any guaranty of any damage of our files after being downloaded.

  • How do I extract files I have downloaded from this website?

All the files you have downloaded from this website needs to be extracted with WINRAR. You can extract it easily with single downloaded file. In case of multiple part files there’s a catch. First you need to make a new folder. Then you have to put all the parts inside that new folder (simply just copy and paste inside that new folder). Open that folder you have created and right click on filename.part01.rar and hit “Extract here”. That’s it!

  • My software crashes after I installed the plugin from your website.

All the plugins on this website have been tested before being uploaded. So if your software crashes after installing any of the plugins or other “things” then we don’t know what to say. It might be either your computer is outdated, or you made mistakes while installing.

  • I can’t find crack inside this Stock Video/Audio pack.

Crack for Stock Video/Audio? Seriously? Why are you even using computer?

  • The file is downloaded from this website contains virus as it has been suggested by my antivirus.

If you are downloading pirated stuffs, there will always be a notification saying it’s a virus. However if you don’t want the notification, please turn off your antivirus or buy software from the original developer.

  • Please turn off the ads on this website.
Why should we? You are not paying anything to run this website
